
how to create a blog

The first thing we must do to create a blog is to create a Google account; The next thing would be to access the web page "www.blogger.com" and click on a new blog. Now you will ask us to decide the title and URL of the blog. What we will do now is create our first post. We will click where it says New Posting and we will get another page where we will put a title to our post and below we can write what we want in the post. We can also add images to the publication by clicking on insert image and then on Choose Files. To insert more than one image we must press CTRL and click with the right mouse button on the images that we want to put. We will select the images again and click on Add Selected. When we have ready what we want to publish we will give the Save button to save it and then the Publish button to publish it. Añadir título